Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes Fest mit lieben Menschen, mit fröhlichem Lachen, mit guten Gesprächen, mit Zeit für die Dinge, die sonst schnell in den Hintergrund geraten, Zeit für euch und genug Zeit, um noch etwas an andere verschenken zu können. Vor allem aber wünsche ich euch Zufriedenheit und Gesundheit, meine lieben Mitbastler und Mitbastlerinnen! ;o)
I wish you a merry Christmas with your loved ones, with laughter and joy, with good conversations, with enough time for yourself, time for the things that often get pushed to the back and time to give to others. Mainly though I wish you contentment and health my crafty friends! ;o)
Now to today's card ;o) Over at the Papercraft Challenges we have an "Anything Goes" challenge for you, so that you can play with whatever you fancy and really get creative with new and old supplies! This is what I have come up with using our kind sponsor's (Dr. Digi) image:
I think this image is a lot of fun, even though I am not a big fan of random graffitis ;o))) I imagined a scene in the city by night which I hope you can tell... Other than the background I only added the German sentiment which means "Merry Christmas" to the card and called it a day. I felt like everything more would be too much. What you you think?
I hope you like the card. Also that you will have some time to play at your craft table and share it with us at Papercraft Challenges.
Merry Christmas everyone and happy crafting to all of you ;o) Yours Maike
Digi stamp: "Banksy Claus" by Dr. Digi
Stamp: "Zum Feste das Beste" by Create a Smile
Stencil: "Brick Wall" by My Favorite Things
Colouring in Scarpland "Christmas"
Christmas Cards All Year Around "Santa, Mrs Claus or Elves"
The Crafting Challenge "Christmas"
STAMPlorations Challenge "December Stencil Challenge" (I used a stencil to create the brick wall in the background)

Christmas Cards All Year Around "Santa, Mrs Claus or Elves"
The Crafting Challenge "Christmas"
STAMPlorations Challenge "December Stencil Challenge" (I used a stencil to create the brick wall in the background)