Halli Hallo meine Lieben!
Weihnachtskarten sind ja oft recht frimmelig und hier und dort packt man noch was dazu... Dieses Mal habe ich es aber bewusst ganz schlicht gehalten, denn ich möchte mit dieser CAS-Christmas Karte gerne bei der MFT 2017 Card Design Super Star Challenge im Bereich Clean and Simple mitmachen. Als Fokus habe ich einen dieser niedlichen Yetis von MFT gewählt, weil ich die Minizähnchen und dieses breite Grinsen wirklich hinreißend finde für eine witzige Weihnachtskarte:
Heya my dear crafty friends!
Usually (my) Christmas cards have loads of tiny elements and embellishments.... This time I kept it very simple, because I would like to enter my card in the MFT 2017 Card Design Super Star Challenge for the Clean and Simple category. I have used one of MFT's adorable Yeti's as a focal image, because I think its cute teeth and that grin are perfect for a funny Christmas card:
Usually (my) Christmas cards have loads of tiny elements and embellishments.... This time I kept it very simple, because I would like to enter my card in the MFT 2017 Card Design Super Star Challenge for the Clean and Simple category. I have used one of MFT's adorable Yeti's as a focal image, because I think its cute teeth and that grin are perfect for a funny Christmas card:
Für den Hintergrund habe ich das Nuvo Embellishments Mousse in Pure Platinum und Powder Blue benutzt, weil es diesen tollen, winterlichen Schimmer auf die Karte bringt. So sieht es dann aus, wenn man sie nicht zur Lichtquelle hin hält ;o)
For the background I have used the Nuvo Embellishments Mousse in Pure Platinum and Powder Blue to the panel this lovely wintery shimmer. This is how the card looks like when not tilted towards the light source:
Dem Yeti habe ich einen dreifarbigen Schal gemalt, weil "ein vor seiner Höhle Tee-trinkender Yeti" bestimmt gerne viel Farbe in seinem Leben hat. ;o) Und hey, schaut mal, worauf er da sitzt und wie seine Tasse ausschaut ;o) Das Banner habe ich passend zur Tasse mit dem RV09 Copic eingefärbt und den Spruch anschließend in weiß embosst. (Ich weiß nie, wie ich das auf Deutsch schreiben soll...)
I coloured the scarf of the Yeti in three different colours, because I thought a Yeti who sits in front of its cave drinking a hot tea would love a bit of colour in its life ;o) And hey, have a look at what its holding in its hands and what it is sitting on ;o) I coloured the banner the same colour I used for the darkest parts of the cup (RV 09) and heat embossed the sentiment in white.
Zum Schluss habe ich dann nur noch ein paar Schneeflocken um die Höhle drum herum auf dem Papier verteilt. Hierzu habe ich Nuvo Drops in White Blizzard verwendet - auch die schimmern ganz entzückend, wenn man sie im Licht dreht ;o) Die Fußballen habe ich ein klein wenig rosa coloriert und bin außerdem noch mit meinem Glaze-Pen drüber gegangen, damit sie so richtig schön plustrig aussehen, wie bei meinen Katerstrophen ;o))) Ich hoffe euch gefällt die Karte! Habt eine tolle Restwoche und viel Freude beim Basteln! Eure Maike
To finish the card I added some snowflakes around the cave entrance with Nuvo Drops in White Blizzard. They do catch the light really lovely and give this card even more shimmer. I also added some glaze pen to the soles of the Yeti's feet to make them look a bit more like those of my cats ;o) I hope you like the card! Have a great week and happy crafting, yours Maike
To finish the card I added some snowflakes around the cave entrance with Nuvo Drops in White Blizzard. They do catch the light really lovely and give this card even more shimmer. I also added some glaze pen to the soles of the Yeti's feet to make them look a bit more like those of my cats ;o) I hope you like the card! Have a great week and happy crafting, yours Maike
Material / supplies:
Stempel / stamps: "Beast Friends" von My Favorite Things
Stanzen / dies: "Fishtail Flags Stax", "Stitched Rectangle Stax" &
"Stitched Arch Stax" von My Favorite Things
Stempel / stamps: "Beast Friends" von My Favorite Things
Stanzen / dies: "Fishtail Flags Stax", "Stitched Rectangle Stax" &
"Stitched Arch Stax" von My Favorite Things
MFT 2017 Card Design Super Star Challenge: Clean and Simple

Simon Says Wednesday Challenge "Pop it up"
Simon Says Monday Challenge "Shimmer and Shine"
Gorgeous card Maike, the yeti is adorable and I love the background and layout, the whole design is super cute 😍❤️
AntwortenLöschenthanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Lols x x x
You did an absolutely remarkable job on this card! It looks so professional in terms of the coloring and beautiful blending of tones that you did on the background. It is also warm and heartfelt, too! I love how the bright pops of color pair with the softer shades. You did a really lovely job on this and I'm so glad you shared your talents with us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!